Sustainable team building and events

We offer custom-made sustainable team building programs and events for organizations and companies that want to boost their employees’ or clients’ interest in sustainability and corporate social responsibility. These team building programs introduce the topics of sustainability or strategies in the field of climate change (the path to net zero) in a fun and adventurous way. By combining team games, activities and personal or group reflections, we can get participants excited about the topic of sustainability.

Benefits of a sustainable team building or event:

Catch interest and increase engagement

Forget about an ordinary team building and raise the level and meaningfulness of your events. Allow your teams to enjoy an experience that will make them more enthusiastic and engaged in the topic of sustainability.


Involve your employees or customers and introduce them to sustainability topics in an experiential and playful way. Support their personal involvement, introduce them to possible solutions or sustainable plans of your organization.

Increase impact

Support your brand by communicating sustainable initiatives to teams or clients. Gain ambassadors through a shared experience and encourage teams to collaborate and take a greater interest in sustainability.

What can a sustainable team building  or event achieve:

The aim of our events is not only to have fun and get to know colleagues better but to inspire and motivate. Participants of our sustainable team buildings leave programs energized to act more sustainably in their personal and work lives.

We develop each program to fit the needs of our clients. As an example a sustainable team building event can have these goals:

  • Present the topic of sustainability in an adventurous way and allow participants to experience it through fun activities
  • Familiarize participants with your sustainable strategies in an experiential and playful way, strengthen loyalty and a sense of belonging to your organization
  • Inspire and motivate to take individual or group action in sustainability
  • Bonding the team and finding common values ​​in it
  • Strengthen team cooperation and communication

Methodology of our programs:

Our sustainable team building programs are focused on the targeted, well thought out and structured building and development of teams at any stage of their development. Programs can lead to a deeper understanding of team members, building mutual trust, promoting self-confidence, developing team communication, revealing natural leadership skills and improving the use of creative teamwork techniques.

We can organize both outdoor and indoor events.

Sustainable teambuilding

We complement our sustainable team building events with experiential techniques that introduce participants to sustainability in a playful way, create a common experience between participants and also provide space to get to know each other more deeply. During the teambuilding events, we also work with the individual motivation of each participant and coach participants to create their own vision and action plan in ​​sustainability. During activities we also provide practical advice and specific examples of a positive sustainable practice.

Among the methods we use are:

  • Coaching and positive psychology techniques
  • Experiential education
  • Outdoor and indoor team building activities
  • Discussions, work in groups, reflection, sharing of experiences among participants
  • Games to show parallels with real life situations
  • Teamwork based activities
  • Mindfulness technique, action planning and personal vision creation

Activities we use in our team buildings:

Sustainable team building activities
Team building in Sweden for 200 people in 2023

We use modern educational methods, various types of model situations, games, team building activities and techniques based on experiential pedagogy, psychology and coaching. The final choice of activities depends on your requirements and needs agreed during joint consultations and situational analysis.

Typically our clients enjoy a combination of outdoor or indoor activities linked to sustainability topics such as:

  • Personal sustainability impacts
  • Reconnecting with nature
  • Carbon footprint and how to reduce it
  • Journey of a personal change to a more sustainable future
  • Decarbonization and available solutions we can use as individuals and the society

Participants are split into teams that rotate between different checkpoints where they experience a wide variety of entertaining outdoor or indoor activities that integrate the topic of sustainability to raise awareness and inspire people to act.  We conclude programs with action planning, a moment of reflection and with creating a strong personal vision for each participant.

Program can be outdoor, indoor or a combination of outdoor activities with more detailed indoor workshops on the topic of sustainability or ecology. You can find more information about this service here.

Where can we organize sustainable team buildings?

Our sustainable team buildings are carbon neutral

We are not limited by geography. All our team members speak English so we can organize sustainable team building anywhere. Recently we organized team building events in Sweden and Austria. We work with clients on selecting proper locations while ensuring our events are climate neutral.

Skilled team of experts will deliver the best experience

Sustainables has a skilled team with the combined experience of organizing 600+ team buildings for a variety of clients. The team includes:

  • Up to 15 outdoor team building instructors, where on average each has 6+ years of experience as team building and experiential education instructor for adults
  • Program coordinators working with clients on tailoring the program to their needs
  • Sustainability experts with background in partnering with organizations on making their sustainable strategies happen

Get in touch to get a free consultation

If you are interested in learning more about our offer of sustainable team-buildings, do not hesitate to contact us. We can prepare a detailed offer based on your requirements.