Green teambuilding

Eco-friendly team building activities to inspire and boost engagement

As more and more companies embed ESG or sustainability into their strategies, ESG or HR teams are looking for new ways to engage teams and make them  sustainability ambassadors. Some choose traditional sustainable indoor workshops and training, others opt for more funny and adventurous ways by organizing  greener and eco-friendly team buildings.

Our company organizes both and we would like to share here some inspiration from our eco-friendly events and team building programs.

Traditional eco-friendly team building activities

As a consulting firm that helps clients with sustainability and engaging employees, we were asked by our clients to create a unique outdoor program that would bridge a gap between expectations of our clients and the market offer of green or eco-friendly events.  Most clients have experienced activities like planting a tree, collecting trash or trekking in forests. These activities can nicely fit into the CSR strategy of companies and be part of a volunteering days program. However, they don’t go deep enough into the topic of sustainability and cannot bear comparison with professional outdoor or indoor team building programs run by experienced instructors. That’s why we decided to combine our 20+ years of experience in team building business and our sustainability expertise to provide a whole new sustainability team building experience.

Our eco-friendly team building programs are insightful, fun and adventurous. By combining games, team activities, personal and group reflections, we can get participants excited about the topic and strengthen the engagement and loyalty of  employees or clients. Reactions and feedback by participants of these programs are amazing and we are happy to see how impactful such events became.

How do we approach our programs

Team building activities Sweden - 200 participants
Our team building activities Sweden – 200 participants – Sustainability

We believe that to get people on board to make a difference, we need to focus more on the solutions than on the problem. We believe we need to tell and also enable participants to create their own vision of the tomorrow they want to create, and to spread the word on the enormous benefits sustainability will bring in terms of increased health, monetary savings, new products and business models and restored ecosystems.  Our mission imprinted into eco-friendly team building programs we organize, is to inspire and motivate so we can all act from courage and excitement.

We want to do so in an adventurous and appealing way, with storytelling, examples of what one  can do in personal life, visualization and action planning.

We use modern educational methods, various types of model situations, games, team building activities and techniques. Each program is custom- made and the final choice of activities is agreed during joint consultations with clients.

Typically our clients enjoy a combination of outdoor or indoor activities linked to ecology such as:

  • Personal sustainability impacts
  • Reconnecting with nature
  • Carbon footprint and how to reduce it
  • Journey of personal change to more sustainable future
  • Decarbonization and available solutions we can use as individuals and society

Participants are split into teams that rotate between different checkpoints where they experience entertaining outdoor or indoor activities.  We conclude programs with action planning, a moment of reflection and with creating a strong personal vision for each participant.

Program can be outdoor, indoor or a combination of outdoor activities with more detailed indoor workshops on the topic of sustainability or ecology.

If you are interested in having eco-friendly team building for your organization do not hesitate to contact us or learn more about this service on our website dedicated to  sustainable team building.